Hasan Sercan Atlı will present the paper titled “Synthesis of Turkish Makam Music Scores Using An Adaptive Tuning Approach” in the 7th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2017). The paper (PDF) proposes an automatic synthesis methodology, which allows the user to listen to a music score synthesized according to the tuning extracted from an audio recording.
Tag: makam
Thesis Defence
Two Papers in SMC 2016
I will present two papers titled “Composition identification in Ottoman-Turkish makam music using transposition-invariant partial audio-score alignment” and “A score-informed computational description of svaras using a statistical model” in the 13th Sound andMusic Computing Conference. The papers present two novel extensions of my audio-score alignment work for composition identification and tuning/intonation analysis, respectively.
Three Papers in ISMIR & DLfM 2016
Three papers, which I am a co-author of, will be presented in the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016) and, its satellite event, the 3rd International Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop (DLfM 2016). The papers are titled “MORTY: A toolbox for mode recognition and tonic identification,” “Time-delayed melody surfaces for rāga recognition” and “On the use of note onsets for improved lyrics-to-audio alignment in Turkish makam music.” The events take place between 7 and 12 August 2016. Continue reading “Three Papers in ISMIR & DLfM 2016”
Paper in FMA 2016
I am going to present the paper titled “A method for structural analysis of Ottoman-Turkish makam music scores” in the 6th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2016). The workshop will take place in the Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland between 15 and 17 June.
Talk in University of the Basque Country
I am invited by Darrell Conklin to give a talk about “Symbolic analysis of Ottoman-Turkish makam music” in Department of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Donostia – San Sebastián, Spain). The talk will take place in 30 June 2015.
2 Papers in FMA 2015
In the 5th International Workshop of Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2015), Paris, France, two papers titled “A Culture-Specific Analysis Software for Makam Music Traditions” and “A Method for Tonic Frequency Identification of Turkish Makam Music Recordings,” which I have contributed, will be presented.
Galata Electroacoustic Orchestra is awarded in Premio Abbiati 2015
For the performance “Compasso de Navegare” in the 58th Venice Biennial, Galata Electroacoustic Orchestra is awarded with the “Filippo Siebaneck” award in Premio Abbiati 2015 (the 34th “Franco Abbiati” Music Critics Awards). Organized by Associazione Nazionale Critici Musicali (The National Association of Music Critics, Italy) Premio Abbiati is one of the most prestigious music awards in Italy.
Continue reading “Galata Electroacoustic Orchestra is awarded in Premio Abbiati 2015”
Paper in ICASSP 2015
On 24th April 2014, André Holzapfel will present the paper titled “Section-level Modeling of Musical Audio for Linking Performances to Scores in Turkish Makam Music,” which I am one of the co-authors of, in the 40th IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) 2015 in the Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre, Brisbane, Australia. On its 40th anniversary, ICASSP is the world’s largest and most comprehensive technical conference focused on signal processing and its applications.
Paper in ATMM 2014
On 13th November 2014 (this Thursday) Hasan Sercan Atlı will present the paper titled “Audio feature extraction for exploring Turkish makam music,” which I am one of the co-authors of, in the 3rd International Conference on Audio Technologies for Music and Media in Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.