On Wednesday, February 22nd, I am going to defend my thesis titled “Computational analysis of audio recordings and music scores for the description and discovery of Ottoman-Turkish makam music.” The defense will take place in at 16:00h in room 55.309 (Tanger Building, UPF Communication Campus). You can reach the data, code, results and other resources related to my PhD work from the companion webpage (link, mirror) in the CompMusic project website.
Tag: automatic description

2 Papers in ISMIR 2015
In the 16th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2015), Málaga, Spain, two papers titled, which I have been involved with, will be presented. The titles of the papers are “A tool for the analysis and discovery of Ottoman-Turkish makam music” and “Searching lyrical phrases in a-capella Turkish makam recordings,” respectively.