Three papers, which I am a co-author of, will be presented in the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference (ISMIR 2016) and, its satellite event, the 3rd International Digital Libraries for Musicology workshop (DLfM 2016). The papers are titled “MORTY: A toolbox for mode recognition and tonic identification,” “Time-delayed melody surfaces for rāga recognition” and “On the use of note onsets for improved lyrics-to-audio alignment in Turkish makam music.” The events take place between 7 and 12 August 2016. Continue reading “Three Papers in ISMIR & DLfM 2016”
Tag: audio-lyrics alignment

2 Papers in FMA 2014
In the 4th International Workshop of Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2014), Istanbul, Turkey, two papers titled “Towards alignment of score and audio recordings of Ottoman-Turkish makam music” and “Automatic lyrics-to-audio alignment in classical Turkish music” which I have contributed, will be presented.