Tag: audio-score alignment

Two Papers in SMC 2016
I will present two papers titled “Composition identification in Ottoman-Turkish makam music using transposition-invariant partial audio-score alignment” and “A score-informed computational description of svaras using a statistical model” in the 13th Sound andMusic Computing Conference. The papers present two novel extensions of my audio-score alignment work for composition identification and tuning/intonation analysis, respectively.

2 Papers in FMA 2014
In the 4th International Workshop of Folk Music Analysis (FMA 2014), Istanbul, Turkey, two papers titled “Towards alignment of score and audio recordings of Ottoman-Turkish makam music” and “Automatic lyrics-to-audio alignment in classical Turkish music” which I have contributed, will be presented.

Seminar in ITU Conservatory
On 11 June 2014, we – as the CompMusic team – will give a seminar called “Ses teknolojisinde Türk Müziği’ne özgü tasarımlar” (Culture specific approaches in music technology: Turkish music case) in Istanbul Technical University State Conservatory. The seminar will showcase the technologies developed within the CompMusic Project to study Ottoman-Turkish makam music. In the seminar, I am going to present the audio-score alignment methodology I have been developing for Ottoman-Turkish makam music.