
Between 2005 and 2009 I studied in Hacettepe University Ankara State Conservatory, in part-time classical guitar program. I studied with several guitarists including İskender Özçelebi, Ahmet Kanneci, and Soner Uluocak. Under the guidance of Ahmet Kanneci, I did some transcriptions of Bach’s Preludes and Fugues for classical guitar. Currently, I’m learning fretless guitar.

For several years I have been writing popular articles about music and technology. I mostly write in Az Bilmiş Özneler, a blog I keep with my best friends Can Öktemer, Emre Can Dağlıoğlu and Tamar Nalcı. I have also published in Agos, a weekly newspaper in Turkey.

I also do some recording and mixing from time to time. Nothing serious, just for fun. Below is a live recording of InRock, a cover band in Ankara and one of my favorites: