On 20th December, I am going to give a seminar on music information retrieval (invited by Hüseyin Hacıhabiboğlu) in Middle East Technical University as part of the research seminars given in the Multimedia Informatics Program. The talk will take place at 11:30 in Conference Room (124) of the Informatics Institute (announcement).
In this talk, I will provide a gentle introduction to music information retrieval (MIR), an interdisciplinary field which “incorporates elements from signal processing, machine learning, psychology, musicology, and many more” to retrieve relevant information from music. From recommendation systems to automatic music generation, I will present a wide variety of examples involving MIR and discuss how such technologies are being used in academic and industrial settings, for example in music streaming, computational musicology and music education.
You can access the slides of the talk via Google Slides (link).